The following articles focus on selected content that we have handpicked for readers to get an in-depth view and understanding of the origins of Shiasm and the personality of Ali bin Abi Talib in specific:
What makes Ali the most Deserving of the Caliphate?
Ali did not want the Caliphate
Ali Legitimizes Fallible Imams
What did the Prophet Leave Behind?
Knowledge and Infallibility of Imams
The Betrayals of Ali’s Representatives
The Advisor of Omar bin Al-Khattab
Bravery of Ali bin Abi Talib (vs Bravery of Omar)?
Holding onto the Sunnah: Ali vs Omar
Omission of Al-Shareef Al-Radhi’s Commentary in Praise of Omar
Praise for the Muhajireen and Ansar
Companions of the Prophet vs Companions of Ali
The Companions of Ali bin Abi Talib