What did the Prophet Leave Behind?
If one were to ask Shias what Prophet – peace be upon him – left behind after he passed away, they would most likely say, “Ahlulbayt.” They believe that Ali is someone that is divinely […]
If one were to ask Shias what Prophet – peace be upon him – left behind after he passed away, they would most likely say, “Ahlulbayt.” They believe that Ali is someone that is divinely […]
The actions of Ali bin Abi Talib during the caliphate of Uthman are clear evidences that he was not one that believed that he was divinely appointed. During the last few months of Uthman, his […]
We find in a couple of places in Nahjul Balagha quotes that legitimize the rule of fallible caliphs. In Saying #73, we find Ali giving advice to those that would one day assume power, “Whoever […]
To completely understand the problems of Ali’s alleged divine appointing; we need to first understand how he dealt with the political changes of his time. His contradicting reactions show that he was only a pious […]
In the fascinating Sermon #65 in Nahjul Balagha, we find Ali bin Abi Talib discussing the events of Saqeefah with the Muslims after the passing of the Prophet – peace be upon him – . […]
“I have left among you the book of Allah and my Ahlulbayt.” Shias like to argue that Ahlulbayt are limited to the fourteen infallibles. Even though there are no evidences that the term should be […]
We often find in various sermons in Nahjul Balagha an emphasis on holding onto and taking knowledge from Ahlulbayt. However, we find that these statements, when examined carefully, contradict elements of Shia ideology. One such […]
In this short piece we examine what makes Ali more deserving of the caliphate than those that had preceded him to power. Instead of providing our own subjective analysis, like that which we find in […]
It is a common misconception by Shias that the Imams were perfect judges of character. We find in Nahjul Balagha (#244) itself, in Ali bin Abi Talib’s letter to Al-Ash’ath bin Qais, evidence that he […]
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